Solutions by Topic
See below for important educational information and solutions by topic organized alphabetically
(except for first two topics that are introductions to educational supports overall)

My Child is Struggling in School
Where do I Begin?
How do I know if my child need school services or is just lazy/unmotivated?
What level of services might my child need?
Take our School Supports My Child Might Need Assessment (Downloading/Using Acrobat Adobe Reader is recommended for filling out this document)

Available School Support:
(Document / Presentation)
Beginning/Tier 1 Support
Intermediate/Tier 2 Support
High/Tier 3 Support
What services and supports are provided in Beginning, Intermediate, and/or High Levels of Support?
How do I access these supports?
Am I entitled to these supports?
What if my chosen supports do not work?

504 Plans: Qualifying, Supports Provided, and Parents Rights

What is a 504 plan?
When to pursue a 504 plan
What is required before I can request a 504 plan
Participating in 504 meetings
Parents Rights in 504 Plans

Attendance Explained

Why is school important for my child?​
- What is required of my child to attend to school and meet attendance requirements?
- How do I excuse my child from school?
​What do I do if my child does not want to go school?

Education Plans:
Which is Best for My Child

Knowing the difference between ​
an IEP Plan
a 504 Plan
a BIP Plan
Which Plan is best for my child?
How do I request them?

IEP Plan: Qualifying, Supports Provided, and Parent Rights

What is an Individual Education plan?
When to pursue an IEP
What is the criteria for requesting an IEP?
Participating in IEP meetings
Parents Rights in IEPs

What are my rights before, during, and after the IEP Meeting/in the IEP Process?
How do I best participate in creating my child's IEP?
How are my input/concerns addressed?
What are my options if I disagree with the IEP/IEP Team?

Educating Your Child in the Least Restrictive Environment (LRE): a Law that Ensures Appropriate Inclusion and
Less Stigmatization

What is the LRE?
How is it determined for my child?
How does it help to ensure inclusion and less stigmatization of my child?
How do I advocate for the best LRE for my child?

Setting and Achieving Benchmarks

Setting Benchmarks are critical in gaging your child's progress in school
Using your knowledge along with the schools experience and a quality assessment will help to set realistic goals for your child in school
Benchmarks need to be dynamic as your child grows helping to built your student's skills and knowledge
Collaboration is key

Frequently Asked Questions
(Updated Regularly)

Our FAQ section is regularly updated with your questions and questions that often arise. If you don't see the answer to your question here please email us and we will send you an email notifying you when your question has been answered and added to this section