Step by Step Guidance

Educational Goals and Standards for My Child

What are the expectations of my child in school?
How do I ensure my child makes progress in their education?
How do I set my child up for success in education?
Who are key school staff who can help me in my goals for my child?
Click here to see Grade Level Academic Standards

Does my child need school services?
What types of school services are available for my child?
What school services might be best for my child?

School Support My Child Might Need:
Overview (Document / Presentation)

What are examples of school services are available at the support level my child might need?
How, when, and where are these supports provided?
What rights to do I have to get these services for my child?
How do I get these supports for my child?

Disability in Education Explained:
Why Identifying as Having One can Entitle a Child to School Supports & Protections and Common Types of Disabilities

How does recognition of disability help my child in school?
What qualifies as a disability?
What services are available if my child has a disability or has a suspected disability?
How do I ensure the school addresses my child's disability?

Education Plans- 504, IEP, and/or BIP:
Which is Best for My Child?

Which Education Plan is best for my child?
How do I determine if my child qualifies for my chosen Education Plan?
What are my rights if my child doesn't qualify for my chosen Education Plan?

504 Plans: Qualifying, Supports Provided, and Parents Rights

What is a 504 Plan?
Who attends a 504 Meeting?
How do I prepare for a 504 Meeting?
What are my rights during a 504 Meeting?
What WTD forms are available to help me request a 504 Plan?

IEP Plans: Qualifying, Support Provided, and Parents Rights

What is an IEP?
Who attends IEP Meetings?
How do I prepare for an IEP Meeting?
What are my rights during an IEP Meeting?
What WTD checklists and forms are available to help me prepare for my IEP Meeting now and in the future?

Revisions to Your Child's Education Plan

How do I revise or change my child's Education Plan?
What information should I provide to the school to assist with the Revision Meeting?
Is the school required to listen to me and add my revisions and changes?
How do I monitor the revision/changes?

What to Do if You Disagree with Your Child's Education Plan

If I disagree with my child's education plan, what happens next?
- What options to do I have to resolve my issues with the Plan?
- What rights do I have as a parent?
​What is my best course of action for my child?

Educating Your Child in the Least Restrictive Environment (LRE): a Law that Ensures Appropriate Inclusion and
Less Stigmatization

What is the LRE?
How is it determined for my child?
How does it help to ensure inclusion and less stigmatization of my child?
How do I advocate for the best LRE for my child?

Taking Time for Yourself

How do I help my child and take care of myself at the same time?
What are techniques or suggestions that work to make me a better parent and advocate for my child?

Frequently Asked Questions
(Updated Regularly)

What are answers the most asked questions at WTD?
What are other people like me grappling with and see as the biggest issues in advocating for their children?
* If you don't see the answer to a question you have in this section, please email us and we will send you an email notifying you when your question has been answered and has been added to this section